Topic: Three Pivotal Trends Propelling Political Evolution in Malaysia
Speaker: Dr. Michael Heng
(Former student activist, part-time columnist, former associate editor of Asia360 weekly, with academic affiliations in universities across Australia, China, Malaysia, the Netherlands, Singapore, and Taiwan)
Date: Sunday, 11 October 2015
Time: 2:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Venue: AGORA, Block 28 Sin Ming Lane, #03-142 Midview City, Singapore 573972
Malaysia has taken center stage in the global spotlight for both commendable and concerning reasons. The media has been abuzz with discussions surrounding the 1MDB scandal, the vibrant yellow and red shirts demonstrations, Mahathir’s relentless bid to displace Najib, the schism within PAS leading to the formation of the dissident group Amanah, Pakatan’s transformative realignment, the tightened reins on university students, and the plight of Anwar Ibrahim behind bars. Beneath these captivating headlines lies a deeper narrative rooted in several potent forces and trends that have ushered Malaysia onto the intricate path of political metamorphosis. These forces are urbanization, shifts in demography, and the resonating impact of events in the Middle East.
Join us as Dr. Michael Heng, a versatile figure who boasts a history as a student activist, a part-time columnist, and a former associate editor of the Asia360 weekly, brings his unique perspective. With academic appointments spanning across universities in Australia, China, Malaysia, the Netherlands, Singapore, and Taiwan, Dr. Heng is equipped to paint a comprehensive picture of these transformational trends.
Through this engaging session, we will explore the dynamic interplay of these trends, unravel their influence on the political landscape, and gain fresh insights into the future that awaits Malaysia. While cognisant of the challenges that lie ahead, Dr. Heng’s discourse presents an optimistic outlook on the unfolding political evolution in Malaysia.